Whether you’re hosting Family & Friends for a Holiday party or just simply trying to turn the neighbours green with envy,

We’ve got your back!

We provide everything necessary for taking the commotion out of the Holiday season.

Every client receives End to End service, from Free Virtual Design mock ups to Removal and Storage.

Explore ideas…


Basic outlinE

Best way to start your lighting display!

Variety of colours and styles to chose from.


GaragE, windows & Rooftop

Add a little more by outlining your Garage, Windows or Rooftop.


Trees, Bushes & Shrubs

This is where the “Magic” happens.

Take full advantage of the trees on your property.


Pillars, Doorway & Walkway

And if you feel that’s not enough lights yet, Pillars, Doorways and Walkways are great options to complete an “All Out” display!